Skinny Body Care has not yet translated it’s websites to Korean.  This presents difficulties and opportunities!

The difficulty is that we still cannot point people to the awesome company marketing websites which are available in 7 different languages.  We must therefore work harder to share the opportunity with Korean speakers.

THE GOOD NEWS is that you can be the first in Korea to build this business! There will never again be a chance to be the first!  This chance will disappear the moment that the company translates it’s websites into Korean.  That could be anytime in the next several months.

Can you imagine the amount of money now being earned by the first Korean Herbalife or Amway owners?  They surely earn more in a week of vacationing, than you earn in a year!  But in the beginning, when they were all alone and their company had not translated their advertising to Korean, they were not sure they would succeed.  They had doubts.

But they did succeed!  And you will too, if you have the wisdom of the Amway and Herbalife pioneers who showed you the way.  Skinny Body Care will be HUGE in a few years’ time.  Do you have this wisdom to see the future, and the strength to be the next Korean networking superstar? 

You can do it!

You likely have several reasons to start your own business. There are probably reasons you haven't even considered yet. Let's list a few common reasons.

1) You are having trouble making ends meet on your current salary.
2) The prospects of getting an increase in salary at your job are slim.
3) The cost of living is rising faster than your current pay check.
4) You are concerned that you may be laid off in the not-distant future.
5) You are approaching retirement age, and you don't have enough money to retire.

So what are the major obstacles preventing you from starting your own business? 

1) Lack of capital to start a new business?
2) Lack of of a product or service to market?
3) Lack of time to invest in launching a new business?

There is a simple solution. It is called network marketing. Network marketing removes all three of these obstacles. There are many companies available, with different products and services sold, different capital requirements, and different compensation plans.  The cash required to get started in this industry is usually far below the cost to open a traditional business. 

Most network marketing companies are extremely flexible in regards to the time commitment. The huge diversity of companies within this industry yields a wide variety of products and services that can be marketed. Everything from toothpaste sales to home refinancing and life insurance is presently being marketed via networks.

So the question is, what is keeping you, and everyone you know, from solving your financial problems by opening your own business?  Do not neglect this game-changing opportunity.  The answer is hiding in plain sight!

Take the free tour today.  Go to:  Skinny Body Care  (be sure to enter your contact info and take the free tour!)     

Homeless and obese - it sounds like a contradiction in terms. And yet according to a recent Harvard Medical School study, a surprisingly high number of America's homeless are clinically obese.

I recall being taught In high school that this apparent contradiction was not because poor people ate too much, but rather they ate too much of the wrong kinds of food.  

It seems that the same blinders which allow people to become obese are the same blinders that prevent people from preparing alternate streams of income, when times are good. 

Why don't more people dig their well BEFORE they get thirsty?

Even now we see that Greece is bankrupt, Spain is bankrupt, there are bank holidays beginning in Italy, and Argentina is on the verge of a financial meltdown.  People are committing suicide on the streets of Europe because they can see no way out if their desperation.   Yet far too many have yet to prepare a realistic plan B for themselves, as the calamities of Europe and South America are approaching like a silent tsunami.

As I've mentioned before, this is a good time to get started. As you know, I like Skinny Body Care. In my opinion it is one of the best opportunities presenting itself to the average American in 2012.  I urge you to do your own research, weigh the pros and cons, and commit to starting your own business today.

There is no reason we need to remain overweight. Skinny Fiber works. It works so well there is an empty-bottle money back guarantee.   There's no reason your whole world must fall to pieces if you lose our day job. All you need to do is build a small network of like-minded people that want to lose weight and make some extra money.  Very quickly the income from your plan B can offset and overshadow the income from your day job.

This is a great time to get started!

There used to be an ad campaign on TV that said “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.”  It stimulated thoughtful interventions as friends were getting behind the wheel when they really shouldn’t.

We should develop a similar mindset in 2012.  All of us have friends and loved ones that are overweight, and in need of a financial liferope.  In all likelihood your overweight friends have tried MANY times to lose weight and failed each time.  They would LOVE to find a way to lose weight that actually works.  They know their spare tire is both unattractive and will lead them to a myriad of health issues down the road.

Skinny Fiber works!  The many testimonials are real.  They are not filled with doctored photos.  I personally lost 5 kilos in my first month.  My wife lost 4 kilos.  There were no hunger pangs, and the price was right.  Only $60 for a month’s supply of Skinny Fiber, with a no-questions asked, empty-bottle guarantee!  What does that gurantee tell you???

If you are not overweight, good for you!  But you are in the minority in America.  You have loved ones who need help, so help them!  Buy them a bottle of Skinny Fiber and suggest they use it for a month.  If they don't lose weight you can return the empty bottle for a full refund!  They will thank you for your intervention when they drop 10-20 pounds, or more.  You can be certain of that.

Let’s start a new version of the 70’s drinking and driving campaign.  "Friends don’t let friends suffer the numerous health and social challenges of obesity!"  

Click here to Take the free tour today.  Be sure to enter your contact information and click the TAKE THE TOUR button.

Some of my friends have done well in their careers. As a result they have been able to help their children get a job in their company. However, even successful people are limited in the number of people they can help in this manner.

I have done fairly well as a commodities trader in the past. However I cannot help other people to be successful in this arena. There is no way to give someone the information and experience they need in order to be successful in this field. 

None of these limitations exist in network marketing. Here the rules are turned upside down.  In most businesses it is difficult to help friends and family to succeed, but in network marketing not only are you able to help your friends and family to succeed, the industry rewards you for doing so.

Many people of a religious nature feel we maybe living what they call the "last days".  The world is changing. The self-centered,”get what you can and screw the rest” mentality will not work in the 21st century.  Now you must help other people succeed, or you will fail.  There is no economic model that is more superbly matched to this emerging paradigm than network marketing.  None.

Do you know people who look like they could use a hand?  Network marketing is the answer. If you choose an good company, and get started without quitting, you will soon be in a position to help everyone you know.  You will create opportunities for hundreds of people you have yet to meet.

I like Skinny Body Care. In my opinion it is one of the best opportunities available in 2012.  Which company you feel you should invest your time in is a decision you must make. But don't wait! The time is coming when people very close to you will need your help.  So hurry up and get started!

As someone who invested in a Bachelors Degree and a Master's Degree,  I am not one to advocate skipping college. I know that a college education is valuable.

On the other hand, times have changed. The number of college graduates loaded with debt and no employment prospects is astonishing. There is no reason to believe that the job situation is going to improve in the next decade.  So how can the tremendous debt which recent college graduates incurred ever be paid off?

What about recent highschool graduates who are now considering college?  Is attending college a good idea for them, or is there a better alternative?

As mentioned above I have two university degrees. However, these days, going deep into debt for a college education is not a good investment in my opinion.   If one is able to finish college without going into debt then they should probably do so. But for those who must incur a large amount of debt to earn a degree I believe it's a bad choice.

Four years is a very long time. If a young person were to invest four years into building their own business, by the end of those four years they might well be able to retire! This is true if they built almost any one of the reputable network marketing businesses available in the world today.

On the other hand, if that person were to borrow heavily to attend college, they will likely end with a worthless degree, and saddled with a debt they will not be able to pay off for decades.

I would urge those that are contemplating college to give serious thought to building their own business instead. The next four years will pass regardless of the path you choose. If today's high school graduates play their cards right, four years from now they will be financially free.

I like Skinny Body Care. In my estimation it is one of the most promising companies available today.  My advice, to those who would take it, is to forgo going into debt to go to college.  Build your own business instead. Four years from now you could well be living in a mansion on a hill mortgage-free, with a world-class sports car in the garage. Meanwhile, many of your peers will be head over heels in debt with no decent job prospects.

Is it really a hard decision? It shouldn't be.


Genesis chapter 3 tells us that as a result of Adam's fall from grace, mankind was cursed to live by the sweat of his brow, and that thorns would grow ever on the land.   There is no doubt that mankind has toiled endlessly through the ages and more often than not, in vain.  The dreams of every generation typically slipped away just when it seemed time to cash them in.

Our generation was trained to worship at the altar of the corporation like the hebrews before the golden calf.   Yet the corporate structure we worshipped was designed to reward the 1% handsomely, while the 99% are given just enough income to keep them toiling, but never enough that they can afford to stop.

More often than not, those that successfully climb the corporate ladder are the most cunning, ruthless and self-centered.  Best-selling books have actually been written suggesting that the leaders of corporations are often clinical sociopaths.  How else could an evil aberration like Monsanto (My Satan) exist? 

Yet, through the last 40 years a new economic model has been slowly growing.  That model is network marketing, and it is now about to flower into maturity.

20th century financial structures are failing the world over.  Corporatism is on death's door, but is still trying in vain to survive.  Meanwhile, the 21st century economic model, MLM, is just now hitting it's stride.  Network marketing will become THE dominant economic model of the 21st century.  This will be obvious to everyone within the next few years.

The formula to succeed in networking is simple, though not easy.  We must have faith, and not quit on the path to freedom.  We must actively help others to succeed.  These steps sound easier than they actually are.  Yet, compared to the 20th century model of 40+ years of toil in a thorn-filled field, it represents Heaven's promises being fulfilled.

There are many fine MLM companies out there.
 I like Skinny Body Care.  Pick one and start building it.  Do it today.  Your grandchildren will thank you!

Oddly, some of the most talkative people get scared when it comes time to talk about their own business.  It is clearly a psychological phenomenon;  I know a guy who bought hypnosis tapes in the hope of solving this issue.  It is a mystery, because this guy was NOT shy.  The only time he clammed up when it was time to advertise his business. 

In my opinion, this issue fades when one reaches a deeper level of belief in themselves, their business, and the networking industry.  Those that overcome this issue probably do themselves a great service in many other areas of their lives at the same time.

The great news is that these days you don't need to talk about your business all that much (if you don't want to).  The internet has changed this industry forever.  Facebook was made for network marketing!!!  So was Twitter, LinkedIn and every other social networking site.  All you need is a good website that explains what you are doing and then use the social networks to direct traffic to your site.  Keep doing that week after week, and sooner or later you will find your three winners.  It's inevitable.

Most companies in the industry are offering high quality websites to their members.  The better companies, such as Skinny Body Care, are making them available for free, and in multiple languages, so you can find partners anywhere in the world.  Truly, the internet is quickly making this business so easy, I feel sorry for those who can't see what is happening.  Have you noticed your facebook friends have started using facebook to advertise their businesses?  What do they know that you don't??!!   Are you missing the moment?

Are you able to post  a link to your website on your facebook page every few days if it will set you free?   Of course you can.  A simple facebook post every few days could make you wealthy in a relatively short time.   If you don't do it, rest assured, some of your facebook friends WILL.

Visit Skinny Body Care and take the free tour today!

This is an unavoidable fact of life. People quit.   But why do people quit?   If you reflect on the things that you struggle with, you are likely hitting the reasons most people quit.  Our strugggles are not very different.

Quitters can be minimized by choosing the right business in the first place. For example, choose a company that doesn't require significant monthly expenditures.  Then your business partners will not need to commit to a significant cash expense every month. The fact is, many people simply cannot afford to do that these days.  

Join a company whose pay plan helps new people earn money quickly by sponsoring new partners. This practice is very helpful for new people. It enables them to earn money immediately. Even earning a small amount of money very quickly, can make a huge difference between a new person staying in the business and quitting.

Unfortunately, even if you choose the best company, with the very best compensation plan available, some of  your partners may still quit. These days people have not been trained to win.  In some respects, we have been conditioned to lose.  It is sad but true.  Don't judge people for their struggles;  just find a new business partner, and move forward.

Remember you do not need all your business partners to be winners.  You only need 3 winners. How long will it take you to find three people who truly want to be free? Who knows?  But there are hundreds of winners in your circle of contacts. You will eventually identify them if you put in the effort, and continue until the job is done.

Many network companies fill huge auditoriums with eager new distributors three or four times a year, every year!  The winners are out there. If you don't find them, someone else will. It really should be you, don't you think?

Visit Skinny Body Care and take the free tour today!

You may have been engaged in networking in the past.  Perhaps you tried, but were unsuccessful.  If you quit your business, it was probably because you did not earn the money you hoped to make.

Why not?  Were you marketing a product no one wanted?  A friend was involved with a company that was selling a novelty fruit juice; they literally had to invent the demand for it. There are companies that market products in high demand.

Were the products overpriced?  I am aware of a company that sells products that people use on a daily basis. However, the cost of the products is higher than the price at the supermarket.  There are companies that market products which are reasonably priced. 

Were you charged for VoIP communications, website hosting, biweekly training tapes, etc... The total of these costs is quite substantial.  There are companies that have none of this overhead - it's all free! 

Was the initial cost to open your business too high?  I know of a company that requires newcomers to invest close to $5000 just to get started.  There are companies that require less than $80 to get started. 

There may be other reasons you did not net the money you hoped. But remember,the industry continues to evolve and grow each year. There are new companies appearing on the market each month.  Many of them have learned from the mistakes of the past.

The opportunities in network marketing are not diminishing.  On the contrary, they're getting very exciting.  You owe it to yourself to take another look.  In particular, Skinny Body Care has none of the problems listed above!

Go to Skinny Body Care and take the free tour today!