Homeless and obese - it sounds like a contradiction in terms. And yet according to a recent Harvard Medical School study, a surprisingly high number of America's homeless are clinically obese.

I recall being taught In high school that this apparent contradiction was not because poor people ate too much, but rather they ate too much of the wrong kinds of food.  

It seems that the same blinders which allow people to become obese are the same blinders that prevent people from preparing alternate streams of income, when times are good. 

Why don't more people dig their well BEFORE they get thirsty?

Even now we see that Greece is bankrupt, Spain is bankrupt, there are bank holidays beginning in Italy, and Argentina is on the verge of a financial meltdown.  People are committing suicide on the streets of Europe because they can see no way out if their desperation.   Yet far too many have yet to prepare a realistic plan B for themselves, as the calamities of Europe and South America are approaching like a silent tsunami.

As I've mentioned before, this is a good time to get started. As you know, I like Skinny Body Care. In my opinion it is one of the best opportunities presenting itself to the average American in 2012.  I urge you to do your own research, weigh the pros and cons, and commit to starting your own business today.

There is no reason we need to remain overweight. Skinny Fiber works. It works so well there is an empty-bottle money back guarantee.   There's no reason your whole world must fall to pieces if you lose our day job. All you need to do is build a small network of like-minded people that want to lose weight and make some extra money.  Very quickly the income from your plan B can offset and overshadow the income from your day job.

This is a great time to get started!

There used to be an ad campaign on TV that said “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.”  It stimulated thoughtful interventions as friends were getting behind the wheel when they really shouldn’t.

We should develop a similar mindset in 2012.  All of us have friends and loved ones that are overweight, and in need of a financial liferope.  In all likelihood your overweight friends have tried MANY times to lose weight and failed each time.  They would LOVE to find a way to lose weight that actually works.  They know their spare tire is both unattractive and will lead them to a myriad of health issues down the road.

Skinny Fiber works!  The many testimonials are real.  They are not filled with doctored photos.  I personally lost 5 kilos in my first month.  My wife lost 4 kilos.  There were no hunger pangs, and the price was right.  Only $60 for a month’s supply of Skinny Fiber, with a no-questions asked, empty-bottle guarantee!  What does that gurantee tell you???

If you are not overweight, good for you!  But you are in the minority in America.  You have loved ones who need help, so help them!  Buy them a bottle of Skinny Fiber and suggest they use it for a month.  If they don't lose weight you can return the empty bottle for a full refund!  They will thank you for your intervention when they drop 10-20 pounds, or more.  You can be certain of that.

Let’s start a new version of the 70’s drinking and driving campaign.  "Friends don’t let friends suffer the numerous health and social challenges of obesity!"  

Click here to Take the free tour today.  Be sure to enter your contact information and click the TAKE THE TOUR button.