You may have been engaged in networking in the past.  Perhaps you tried, but were unsuccessful.  If you quit your business, it was probably because you did not earn the money you hoped to make.

Why not?  Were you marketing a product no one wanted?  A friend was involved with a company that was selling a novelty fruit juice; they literally had to invent the demand for it. There are companies that market products in high demand.

Were the products overpriced?  I am aware of a company that sells products that people use on a daily basis. However, the cost of the products is higher than the price at the supermarket.  There are companies that market products which are reasonably priced. 

Were you charged for VoIP communications, website hosting, biweekly training tapes, etc... The total of these costs is quite substantial.  There are companies that have none of this overhead - it's all free! 

Was the initial cost to open your business too high?  I know of a company that requires newcomers to invest close to $5000 just to get started.  There are companies that require less than $80 to get started. 

There may be other reasons you did not net the money you hoped. But remember,the industry continues to evolve and grow each year. There are new companies appearing on the market each month.  Many of them have learned from the mistakes of the past.

The opportunities in network marketing are not diminishing.  On the contrary, they're getting very exciting.  You owe it to yourself to take another look.  In particular, Skinny Body Care has none of the problems listed above!

Go to Skinny Body Care and take the free tour today!

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